A Letter To My 13 Year Old Self

     Whatever your going through right now, you'll get over it eventually. I would say that it does get better but it will be more better if you just try. You have so much ahead of you, stop worrying about the future and everything because your literally still a damn kid, your still growing. Please stop trying so hard to fit in and flex on all of your cool clothes and shit, you're literally in middle school. The attention seeking is not worth your time. Also you smoking weed doesn't make shit any better too, although you will get caught many times by it haha. 

For that girl that you are madly in love with, trust me she is not the one. She may be your first love but she isn't your last. I understand you are heartbroken but it's your overthinking and ego that is making you feel heartbroken so stop blaming and getting mad at her because this is all on you. I know you want that one girl in your life that you want forever and is afraid to move on because you can't live without her in the future but trust me kid, it's not the end of the world. You also need to stop finding girls (to make her jealous) or worry that your single because again your still a kid and yes it's not the time right now but it's much better focus on yourself and the people that loves you. 

Speaking on love, remember to care about the people that cares about you not care about the people who doesn't. Focus on them, your loved ones because you have your ego to high to the point your taking advantage of them. Remember to be grateful and thankful for the people around you especially your family, you may be disappointed at them and I am still till this day but don't let it affect you too much, you'll understand one day. Also you may have your ego high but I know your insecurities are high too so learn how to love yourself and be a better person. 

To love yourself, you need to take care of yourself and discipline yourself and if you don't you'll end up with more insecurities with a huge bubble of ego. Yes, I am talking a lot about ego a lot in this letter because that's the main thing that is affecting your life, yourself because you have so much pride within yourself. I know I said your just a kid but this will affect you in the long term if you don't start to change especially since your going close to high school. 

Here's some things you should do: 

  • Wake up early and do your bed
  • Practice Gratitude
  • Meditate everyday
  • Do your basic hygiene (obviously)
  • Stretch everyday ( like everything)
  • Exercise 5 days a week
  • Eat a lot of protein and vegetables
  • READ BOOKS (self help books and finance)
  • Drink milk, take vitamins
  • Spend less on phone especially social media
  • Find hobbies and work on it (make a commitment)
  • Watch motivation videos
  • Learn how to communicate, have social skills
  • Learn about manifestation
  • and remember positive affirmations for yourself
I know this shit might be hard and it is but remember, discipline. In order to work yourself to be a better person you must go through obstacles. 

Another thing that I do wanna say is that please get the help that you need. Find out what's wrong with you physically and mentally. STOP holding your feelings in, it's okay to let out your feelings and it's not embarrassing. Holding it in will make it so much worse, it may not help everything but it will help your mental health each step at a time. Getting help is important but it helps more if you help yourself too. Remember, your mental health fucking matters.

The friends that you have right now are not going to be your friends anymore but that's okay because small circles are better and you'll find better friends. Don't be friends with people to impress or to seem cool because some of friends that you have are hurting you and is toxic. Leave right now, I know you don't want to be lonely but it's better to not stay hurt all the time. Btw, it's best move schools after your finished with middle school preferably a charter school.

 Lastly, I am still growing as a person but this is what I wish I done better.


“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.”


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